Sunday, April 21, 2013

Egg-ceptional Breakfast - April 18, 2013

John and I went to our vacation place in Pendleton County last weekend.  We haven't been there all Winter which meant turning on the water and cleaning out spider webs, but it was a very nice weekend.  It also meant we had to bring anything we planned to eat because we had cleaned the place out last Fall when we turned off the water and headed out.  We brought what we could think of the first night, but woke up hungry the next morning and had limited options for breakfast.  We had made our own pizza the night before and had most of a red pepper and we had thought to bring eggs and bacon.  I also had some frozen bagels but no other bread.

We decided to try a trick we saw in Rachel Ray's magazine.  We cut the pepper in rings and placed in a pan oiled with olive oil (You could have used the bacon grease instead.)  Then, we cracked an egg in each ring.  I think our pan was a little too sloped for the number of eggs we cooked because the egg started to seep out around the edges.  But the eggs cooked perfectly and tasted delicious with the red pepper coked in.  I sliced the bagels thin long ways and toasted and they were great for dipping in the egg.  Definitely a successful breakfast on a cool Spring day sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee!

One Year Ago - Asparagus Risotto and Broccoli Stem Pickles

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